Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello, this week was crazy, we did lots of canning and drying. I got a calling to be a primary teacher, So that will be an adventure. Next week I have my first wedding to do flowers, I am excited for that. And until that I will continue to can with Manda. Here is the answer to the joke. why did the skeleton cross the road? to get to the body shop on the other side. But I like you answers better.


Mama Walker said...

I still want a picture of you!!!!!And where is this weeks riddle? Have you been to Amber's site. You would have some good ideas I think
Miss you lifeless lump

Amber said...

Bekah I read the entire Brisingr It was totally good but it has no ending it's to be continued kind of thing. I know so much more than you about it. READ IT SO I can talk to you about it. K Love ber